Monday, August 31, 2009

Need your help!

Remember council we need pictures of famous folks who played/play band instruments. Here are a few sites with info on famous band instrumentalists:

Have fun hunting. Bring pictures as soon as you can!

Mrs. Amato

Congrats Officers!

Congratulations to the Band Council for selecting some great leaders! You couldn't have gone wrong since all of you are awesome!

President: Rachel

Vice President: Gina

History/Secretary: Madi

Remember- just because you're not an officer that doesn't mean you aren't a leader!!! You guys are awesome keep up the good work!

-Mrs. Amato

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Here We Go! :)

Hey Council!
We're up and running! Tomorrow is our first of the school year BAND COUNCIL MEETING! We will decide officers and such please be there at 8am in room 201.
If you need info on officers just look below for descriptions.

Here's how our Blog will work- if you want to post something email me- then I'll post it if it's appropriate :)

See ya at the meeting!

-Mrs. Amato



The president will be responsible for the entire council. They will help set meeting dates and keep the entire council informed on what’s going on. The president must have served on the council for one year (and must be an 8th grader).
The president will be the direct liaison to the directors and needs to be willing to ask the directors questions, guide others in what they need to do, and be a positive role model. They will be responsible for getting the council to work together on things like bulletin boards, decorating, and inspiring the band. The president needs to be organized and willing to dedicate time and energy to making the band council the best it’s ever been!

Vice President:

The vice president will be responsible for helping the president with anything and everything. They will also be responsible for being a leader and liaison to the beginning band. The vice president needs to be willing to help the “little guy”, meet with the directors, guide others in what they need to do, and be a positive role model. The vice president needs to be ready and willing to help in all instances and to be mostly concerned about the interests of the beginners in the “big picture” of band.


The historian/secretary will be responsible for documenting the activities of the band and band council. They will be responsible for taking notes at all meetings as well as creating any documents needed for distribution to the council or the band. In regards to documenting the activities of the band they will need to take pictures and journal about activities therefore they will need to be available for all events. The historian/secretary is strongly encouraged to find other members to help them collect photos and create a scrapbook for the year. The historian/secretary needs to have a lot of free time, be creative, and outgoing to be sure to capture all the great activities the band is involved in!